Sedation Dentistry in Kingston

The dentists at Gardiners Dental Clinic provide sedation dentistry to patients in Kingston, ON. Contact us at +1-613-544-2224 to learn more or schedule your appointment.
Our dentists offer gentle, compassionate dental care and often this is all that is needed to help patients overcome their dental anxiety. Other times, dental sedation may be necessary. We provide the following forms of sedation dentistry at our practice:
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide is a mild form of dental sedation. Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedation agent that allows you to feel relaxed and comfortable throughout your treatment, with very few risks or side effects. You'll wear a small mask over your nose and breathe in a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen. Within minutes, you’ll start to feel its effects, but they wear off just as quickly once the mask is removed after your procedure is complete. Lightheadedness and heaviness or tingling in the arms and legs occur in some people, with nausea, chills, and dizziness occurring more rarely.
Conscious Oral Sedation
Conscious oral sedation is a highly effective and safe form of moderate sedation used for patients with more serious dental anxiety or phobia. It helps you to feel completely relaxed, while still remaining conscious and aware of your surroundings during your dental treatment. To keep you calm and comfortable while we work, we use a combination of a prescription anti-anxiety medication and a local anesthetic. You will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment because the medication can take several hours to wear off.
Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry
Does sedation dentistry really work?
Yes, sedation dentistry really works. It has helped countless patients with life-long fears of the dentist overcome their anxiety and get the dental care they need.
Can you feel pain when sedated?
Local anesthesia numbs your mouth and prevents you from feeling pain during a dental procedure, while sedation helps you feel relaxed. We combine the two to ensure that you feel both comfortable and calm. During your procedure you will not feel any pain once the local anesthesia is in place, but in the hours afterwards, you may start to experience some mild discomfort.
What are the side effects of dental sedation?
Each form of sedation has its own set of risks and side effects, but the most common include drowsiness, headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, and slowed reflexes.
Is sedation safer than general anesthesia?
Yes, sedation is much safer than general anesthesia. General anesthesia has considerable risks, which is why it is only used in a hospital setting.
Can you drive after nitrous oxide?
Because nitrous oxide sedation wears off quickly, you can drive yourself home after your dental procedure.
Contact us at +1-613-544-2224 to schedule your appointment.