Cold Sores and Dental Appointments


What is a cold sore?

A cold sore (or “fever blister”) is a cluster of small blisters that form on or around the lips (and can also form on other similar mucosal membranes). It is a type of herpes infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). After an initial exposure to HSV, the virus permanently resides in the body and can reappear as a cold sore in times of stress or lowered immune function. For many people, cold sores often start with a tingling or burning sensation. Within a short time, blisters appear. These blisters will then scab over and begin to heal.

Cold sores develop over 5 stages before fully healing:

Stage 1: Low Transmission Risk, Days 1-2. Tingling, soreness, itching.
Stage 2: Moderate Transmission Risk, Days 2-4. Fluid filled blisters begin to form.
Stage 3: Severe Transmission Risk, Days 4-5. The blisters burst, ooze, and form painful and contagious sores.
Stage 4: Moderate Transmission Risk, Days 5-8. Blisters dry out and scab over (crusting stage).
Stage 5: Low Transmission Risk. Final stage, which includes resolution with healing of the skin when the scabs fall off.

What should you do if you have an active cold sore?

You should not go to the dentist for active treatment (fillings or dental cleanings) during a cold sore outbreak. It is critical to remember that cold sores are viral and therefore contagious; cold sores are contagious from the time they first appear until the scab falls off and the skin is fully healed. At Gardiners Dental Clinic, we advise our patients to reschedule their treatment appointments to reduce the risk of spreading the virus to other parts of the patient’s own body (for example to the eyes, around or on the inner lining of the nose, or to the chin).

Do you get cold sores and feel them coming on?

If you experience cold sores and can reliably tell when they are about to start (burning, tingling, itching, pain or prickling sensations prior to their appearance), there are prescription medications that can help. Ask your dentist whether one of these treatments could be right for you.